Mon – Fri 9am to 5pm

Monday – Friday     9am to 5pm

Isabella McCabe

Scoliosis is a very hard subject for me to talk about. I was diagnosed at around 2 or 3, growing up with scoliosis was difficult, I’m not going to pretend that it wasn’t. Being different and not being able to participate in certain activities can be confusing. It felt like I was trapped in my own struggles, living day-to-day isolated in my own thoughts. I’m also not going to pretend that it didn’t drain me. But that negative side is very small compared to the positive side. Personally, going through with my spinal fusion was the best decision I have ever made. Yes, it was very hard for me to cope, but surrounding yourself with things you enjoy is more important than you think, that is what helped me get through my fight with scoliosis. Knowing your self-worth is also massively important, it’s about believing in yourself and knowing you can beat this tough struggle in life. I thought that my whole life I would be limited by my scoliosis but actually, once I had the spinal fusion, I felt free, proud, and like I can live my life to its full potential without these restrictions keeping me from showing the world my potential. Please know that you are not alone and people in this world understand you, never think that you are at a disadvantage with this diagnosis because you are at an advantage because whatever you achieve, you are doing it whilst being strong and beating the fight with scoliosis. I have already achieved more than a lot of people have in life, and I’m sure you have too.

So, keep going, and once you complete this battle you will keep achieving and hopefully, like myself, you will feel happy and not alone or isolated. I hope this made you feel more at ease and more confident with going through with this surgery, trust me, it will change your life. Hopeful wishes from Isabella McCabe.

If you would like to talk further about any aspect of scoliosis, SAUK is here to help; please call our helpline or contact us via post or using our e-mail address