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“My spine is a reminder of my ability to adapt and grow.”We are constantly inspired by our community and the bravery, resilience and passion they demonstrate. Today we have Amy’s story: “I was diagnosed with scoliosis when I was in my early teens with a C curve - my doctor advised against undergoing the surgery as its such a lengthy operation and my curve, if it remained around the same kind of degree as I grew, was something I could cope with alongside physiotherapy. It was definitely tough at that hormonal age of being a teenager learning to embrace my body and everything that came along with having scoliosis.As I got older and had my two sons, my consultant was always on hand throughout my two deliveries advising what not to do/give me, for example I couldn’t have an epidural and if I had to of undergone a c-section I would’ve had to be put under general anesthesia. My scoliosis definitely gives me a lot of pain daily and when it comes to certain things such as exercise I struggle to breathe a lot quicker than someone without scoliosis would due to my ribcage pushing against my lungs.I’m a pageant girl and I have proudly competed in Miss Great Britain for the last three years representing my home city of Derry. However even walking on stage is hard for me as one of my legs is longer than the other and poses can be physically tough on my body. I’m so proud to walk out representing all of us with scoliosis and I hope to be the very first Miss Great Britain with scoliosis.I walked out on the Miss Great Britain stage in a backless gown, showing off my curve for all to see and it was such an empowering moment that I won’t ever forget.I recently won an Ulster Tatler Influential Woman of the Year Award for my work within scoliosis, something I’m so incredibly proud of.I’m very excited to work alongside SSR during my journey to the finals this year and to raise even more awareness for our community.My spine is a reminder of my ability to adapt and grow. “If you would like to fundraise for us or share your story, please email ellie.wilson@ssr.org.uk 🙂 ... See MoreSee Less
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Many of our amazing Virtual Event runners have now completed their challenges and received their prizes! Their effort and commitment has been inspiring. If you would like to win your own Rodney bear, medal and hoodie, sign up to one of our Virtual Events today. You only need to raise £50 to receive a medal, and £200 for the rest of the goodies. You can choose your destination, distance and pace, so it's the perfect challenge to fundraise for an amazing cause. For more more information and to sign up, visit www.sapphirerunningzone.com/ssrvehome ... See MoreSee Less
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Our upcoming patient event in Nottingham is fast approaching! All details, including the venue, can be found below. Please follow this link to purchase a £5 ticket: app.etapestry.com/onlineforms/ScoliosisSupportAndResearch/NottinghamEvent.html?fbclid=IwY2xjawFFB...If you have any questions, don't hesitate to comment them below or email info@ssr.org.uk 🙂 ... See MoreSee Less
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Whatever you do, do it for us! The lovely Eve recently completed her first fundraiser - a 10k race! We hope it inspires you to participate in your own fundraising for us, however big or small! "I’m Eve and I was diagnosed with idiopathic scoliosis at 15. I’m now 27, 12 years on from spinal fusion and I've just ran 10km to raise money for Scoliosis Support and Research! This is my story...When my dad randomly commented ‘You’re not standing up straight’ and 15 year old me insisted I was, we first realised something wasn’t quite right. Shortly after this, I was diagnosed with scoliosis and a 30 degree curve. Unfortunately, in the time from diagnosis to seeing a specialist, my curve had progressed leaving me with one option, surgery.Within a year from diagnosis, my surgery day came and my now 65 degree curve was fused after a 7 hour surgery. Going through my ribs, the recovery was painful and nothing like I had experienced before. Learning how to sit, stand and walk again was strange but the support from my family kept me strong and smiling through.I went through a lot of years thinking of my back as a hinderance, often saying I couldn't do things because of it. This year I wanted to change the narrative and challenge myself to something which seemed impossible. Anyone who knows me, knows I'm not much of a runner and I went from not being able to run 1km without stopping, to running a 10km! Training was tough, at times I felt on top of the world and others where I felt like the end goal wasn't in sight. Was it worth it? 100%! When I crossed that finish line, I couldn't have been more proud of myself. Now, there's no stopping me. I wish I could go back to 15 year old me and let her know that her body is strong and beautiful. That she’ll be proud of her scar and the story it holds. That she’s capable of ANYTHING she puts her mind to. Here's your sign if you've ever thought you can't do something, you can!"If you would like to fundraise for us, please email fundraising@ssr.org.uk or DM us directly. ... See MoreSee Less
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Join us on a virtual adventure!Our destinations will ensure your running experience is exciting and immersive, especially with the accompanying playlists and themed fundraising ideas!You can find more information and sign up here: www.sapphirerunningzone.com/ssrvehome ... See MoreSee Less
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Come and join us in Nottingham in October! Details are below:We wanted to let our members know that we are planning a scoliosis patient event day on Sunday 6th October in central Nottingham (venue TBC). The event will run from 10am – 4pm. Lunch, tea and coffee will be provided and there will be a £5 attendance fee. If you are interested in attending the event please sign up here: app.etapestry.com/onlineforms/ScoliosisSupportAndResearch/NottinghamEvent.htmlThe event will include talks from orthopaedic consultants who specialise in scoliosis treatment. They will discuss surgery, neuromuscular scoliosis, non-surgical issues and the ageing spine.We will have a talk from a physiotherapist regarding physiotherapy in relation to surgery and bracing. There will be a talk from a personal trainer who has scoliosis and specialises in exercise with scoliosis.The event will have also have a speaker that talks about their experience with scoliosis and surgery and will be a great way to connect with others.If you have any questions, please email info@ssr.org.uk 🙂 ... See MoreSee Less
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