Join our Community

Help to support our work by making a regular donation

Interested in joining?

In order to ensure that our support reaches as many people as possible, and in recognition of rising costs, we have overhauled what was formerly our Membership Scheme.

Now, you can support our work and have access to the following services simply by completing the form below to set up a regular donation of an amount that you are comfortable with.

Members who have historically paid £15 annually, can either continue to do so or pay an appropriate amount, however, we would recommend making your payment through our secure form below rather than by Standing Order.


As a member of our Community you will:

  • receive copies of our twice yearly magazine, Backbone- by email (to keep costs down) or by post
  • receive priority invitations to our patient meetings
  • be eligible to apply for our Hill, Pedder and Minns Fund which can provide financial support for certain items
  • be invited to support group meetings in your area, if available
  • be able to access online mediated support groups
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The period before getting spinal fusion feels so isolating and intimidating and there are such limited resources and opportunities to talk to people who’ve had the surgery, but it’s because of charities like this that people feel less alone and more comforted in the run up to surgery

Join our Community

Please complete this form

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