Whatever you do, do it for us!

Fundraise for Scoliosis Support and Research.

Scoliosis fundraising

What will YOU do?

Thank you for choosing to fundraise for Scoliosis Support and Research. We’re a small organisation, so your support makes a huge difference to people affected by scoliosis.

There are many ways, large and small, that you can help to support our work – from extreme challenges like running a marathon, to running a quiz at your local pub, to having a bake sale at your work or school.  Click on the buttons below for inspiration.

Challenge Events

Take part in an event to raise money for SSR, whether it’s a 5k or marathon, or a mud run, or a trek. How about a swim?  We’ve got lots of information on how to get started and how we could refund your entry fee!

Take on a Challenge
Virtual Events

Our “international” Virtual Events  are free to enter!   Raise £50 or more from your event  to receive a fantastic finisher’s medal once your evidence has been verified. Raise £250 or more to get an SSR hoody and a Rodney Bear.

More about our Virtual Events
Fundraising Guide

Need some fundraising inspiration? You’ll find it right here!

Our fundraising guide is full of great fundraising ideas and tips  to help you get the most from your fundraising.

Download our Fundraising Guide
Training Support

We have all the support  and advice you’ll need for your event.

Ask us for a code for FREE membership of The Sapphire Running Zone for 12 months.

Get advice and support
Fundraising Materials

We can send you various FREE SSR branded items such as tee-shirts and running vests to help you make the most of your fundraising.

Order fundraising items
Need anything else?

If you have any questions about fundraising, contact Ellie Wilson on 020 4537 4139 or email fundraising@ssr.org.uk

Other Contact Info
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