Amy Matthews

My name is Amy and I will be running the London Marathon for SAUK in April 2024

My story

Ten years ago, I faced a pivotal moment that has shaped my life – 11 hour major spinal surgery to correct Scoliosis. I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate this huge milestone by officially being able to say, I will be running the London Marathon 2024 for the Scoliosis Association Charity UK.

The marathon is not just a race; it’s a celebration of resilience, strength, and a decade of overcoming. Let’s turn the 26 miles into a journey of hope, inspiration, and a testament to every single person affected or living with Scoliosis. Together, we can make each stride count, creating both awareness and positive change for those living with Scoliosis.

At the age of 15, being told I may never be able to walk again was heartbreaking. My whole life felt like it had been taken away from me. I was isolated and alone questioning why me? Why was I the only one going through this? Little did I know there was a whole community of people going through the same diagnosis as myself, which have since become some of my closest friends and have been there for me every step of the way.

I am not just running the marathon for myself, but I am running it for every single one of you who have been on or are going through there own scoliosis journey. To anyone facing the daunting diagnosis of scoliosis, I want you to know you are not alone. You are surrounded by a community of strength, resilience and understanding. Embrace your journey, reach out for support and let your journey inspire others. Together, we can positively change the lives of everyone living with Scoliosis.

Every penny donated is a step closer to providing support, resources and awareness for those living with Scoliosis. I aim to turn each stride into a symbol of strength and solidarity. Your contribution is not just a donation; it’s a powerful statement that together, we can make a lasting impact for those affected by Scoliosis.


Whether you want general guidance or advice or just to talk things through; our team are here to help.

View support

We fund three types of research grants for work in scoliosis and other spinal conditions.

View research
wave shape