
My experience has made me brave and resilient.

How surgery helped me

I had my surgery a year and a half ago when I was 14, and I’m doing really well. I had to have the 2-step surgery – they went in through my ribcage to correct the lower curve and then a week later, they corrected the top. The week in-between my two surgeries was quite tough at times. The nurses and doctors managed my pain well but I felt uncomfortable, unwell, groggy and bored. I also felt daunted by the prospect of another surgery just as I was starting to feel better from the first. Thankfully, my older sister had been through the surgery years ago so I had her for support and advice, as well as my mum, brother, dad and step-mum. I had someone with me at all times, which really helped.

I got through both of the surgeries and was home in 2 weeks. I was SO relieved to be home. The recovery once home was much easier and I was back to school in 6 weeks. It was hard catching up with school work, but I’m currently sitting my GCSEs and they aren’t too bad at all. My back does ache during the long exams though.

Overall, I think my experience has made me brave and resilient. It was hard at the time, but I don’t think about it very much at all anymore. I am lucky to feel normal and have such a good support system around me. I would like to post this to represent more boys having the surgery as it’s less common for us.

We are so proud of Matty for his strength and bravery. What an absolute superstar. For anyone waiting for surgery at the moment, we hope you find his story reassuring.


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