Research Overview

We fund innovative research into all aspects of scoliosis. Our focus is quite simply to go BACK to Basics to identify a cause.

Who can apply?

Applications for research funding are open to appropriately qualified professionals such as scientists, clinicians, and allied health professionals (nurses, psychologists or physiotherapists).

If you would like to apply for an SSR research grant, please complete the application form and send it to . Once the application form is received our Grants Committee will carry out an initial assessment before sending applications for peer review. The final decision is approved by the Trustees.
Applications can be submitted at any time and a decision is usually reached within three to four months. Applicants must abide by the word counts specified or they will be asked to resubmit.

SSR will only consider awards to applicants from outside the UK if they are in collaboration with a UK centre.

Please read the SSR grant conditions before completing the form. If you have any queries regarding the application process, please e-mail:

Travel grants are also available to help early career researchers’ costs to present their work.

Research Grants

We fund three types of research grants for work in scoliosis and other spinal conditions.

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Travel Grants

Our Charles Manning Award helps our researchers with travel costs to meetings to present their work.

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