Scoliosis research grants

We fund three types of research grants for work in scoliosis and other spinal conditions.

Scoliosis research grants

We are proud of our research partners and are now going BACK to Basics, to focus on finding a cause.

The SSR Research Grant is open to appropriately qualified professionals such as scientists, clinicians, and allied health professionals (nurses, psychologists or physiotherapists). Applications can be submitted at any time. Applicants will be kept informed of the progress of their application but should be aware that a decision can take approximately three months.

All applications will be considered, however, applicants are advised to submit their proposal under one of the following three headings:

Small exploratory grant

This grant is designed specifically for new investigators who have a preliminary concept they would like to develop into a research project. The maximum grant award for this category is £15,000. The maximum duration of research is one year. This grant does not require pilot data. It should, however, be able to generate pilot data that could be used when applying for a larger grant.

New investigation grant

This grant is specifically targeted to new investigators. The maximum award is limited to £40,000; however, the duration of research may extend up to two years. Some preliminary data would be desirable although not absolutely required.

Major research grant

This grant is awarded a maximum of £100,000 per year up to two years’ duration. These grant applications may be in any area of spinal deformity research. These grant applications require evidence that the investigator has the experience and resources to complete the proposed research.

As such, preliminary data is generally required. Such grants will be awarded only for outstanding and important research.

Please read the SSR grant conditions carefully before completing the application form. If you have any queries regarding the application process, please contact us on 020 8964 1166 or e-mail:


Research grant downloads

Grant Application Form download icon
Appeals process download icon
Animal research download icon
Conflict of interest policy download icon
Equality and diversity policy download icon
SSR research strategy download icon
SSR grants terms and conditions download icon
Scoliosis priority setting partnership download icon
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