Scheuermann's Kyphosis

Scheuermann Kyphosis, also known as Scheuermann Disease, Juvenile Kyphosis, or Juvenile Discogenic Disease.

Scheuermanns kyphosis

What is Scheuermann’s Kyphosis?

Scheuermann’s kyphosis is a condition in which the front sections of the vertebrae, which are the small bones that make up the spine, grow more slowly than the back sections.

This difference in growth means the vertebrae grow into the shape of a wedge, when they should grow into the shape of a rectangle resulting in the bones developing a forward angle as it grows rather than stacking up in a straight line. This forward bend of the spine is called kyphosis.
This forward curve usually happens during a time when the bones are growing very quickly, often between the age 10 and 15, but for some patients it worsens when they are adults. The condition is thought to be quite rare, but the number of people affected is not truly known as often the condition is misdiagnosed and put down to poor posture. Scheuermann’s kyphosis affects both men and women in equal numbers.

Patients with Scheuermann’s kyphosis often have back pain, especially during the early teenage years but this pain usually decreases when a person gets closer to adulthood.

What has caused my Scheuermann’s kyphosis?

The cause of Scheuermann’s kyphosis is unknown. Research shows that there are probably a range of factors responsible but it is likely that it runs in some families.

How will my Scheuermann’s kyphosis be diagnosed?

Scheuermann’s kyphosis usually appears in adolescents when they are around 10-16 years old. Patients with Scheuermann’s kyphosis often have back pain, especially during the early teenage years.

Pain is also often the most noticeable symptom for adult patients but other signs are tightness of the chest (pectoral) muscles, hamstrings, which are the strong bands of tissue at the back of the thighs, and hip flexors, which are the inner hip muscles. About a third of people with Scheuermann’s kyphosis also have mild or moderate scoliosis. It can often take a while for Scheuermann’s kyphosis to be diagnosed because the symptoms can be attributed to poor posture.

What treatment will I receive?

The curve caused by Scheuermann’s kyphosis often stays mild and usually patients will only need X-rays to check that it is not getting bigger. Treatment may be needed if the size and progression, or worsening, of the curve is observed. The patient’s age, how much growing they have left to do, whether they are in pain, the effect of the curve on their appearance, and, in rare cases, the risk of cardiopulmonary (heart and lung) or neurological (nervous system) problems, are also taken into consideration when deciding the best course of treatment.

There is little information about what happens to the spine if no treatment is ever given for Scheuermann’s kyphosis. Many patients have no serious problems or disability and the symptoms settle once the spine is fully grown. However, people with severe kyphosis (a curve that is bigger than 80 degrees) can see their curve continue to get bigger, resulting in a large curve and severe back pain.

If the curve is quite large (60-80 degrees) and the patient has not yet finished growing the most common course of treatment is for a back brace to be fitted. A back brace is made from a lightweight plastic and is worn full-time until the patient has finished growing, to try to reduce the risk of the curve getting bigger. The brace will be checked and adjusted regularly to ensure the fit is good and to improve results. To ensure the best results possible, the patient is usually asked to wear the brace for at least 18 months and sometimes longer.

An exercise programme is sometimes set to accompany the brace treatment, which helps the treatment to be even more effective. This programme includes exercises to strengthen the back and stomach muscles and stretch the hamstrings and chest muscles. On their own the exercises will probably help reduce back pain but will not stop the curve getting bigger.

Not all specialists agree that bracing works as a treatment, some say that there is a high risk a patient’s curve will continue to get bigger after they stop wearing the brace. Some specialists are concerned that wearing a brace as a teenager can cause distress and low self- esteem, your specialist will give you the advice you need to make the right decisions about treatments.

Surgery may be advised if the curve continues to get bigger, to more than 70 degrees and causes pain, or is very noticeable. If a patient has a risk of a neurological issue (problem with the nervous system) an operation might also be offered. However, surgery will only be suggested if other treatments, such as bracing and physiotherapy, have been tried for 6 months but have not worked.

Modern surgical techniques allow for better correction of the kyphosis with often low complication rates and high patient satisfaction. It is important to note, however, that the operation to correct Scheuermann’s kyphosis can be difficult and sometimes the surgery can cause a major complication. These risks should be talked through, in detail, with the specialist team. Patients and their families need to weigh the risks against the difficulties caused by the curve and should carefully consider whether the benefits to the patient’s quality of life outweigh these risks.

Surgical complications are much more common in adults (21 in 100 people) than in adolescent patients (11 in 100 people).

How will Scheuermann’s Kyphosis affect my life?

Younger patients with Scheuermann’s kyphosis often have poor posture and back pain but this will usually decrease as the patient gets closer to adulthood. For most people the pain is rarely bad enough to affect daily activity or working life, however, those with bigger curves can have more severe pain that does not go away when they are adults. If the pain is bad patients should speak to their specialist about possible treatments. Contact our helpline on 020 8964 1166 for information about pain management.

If you need help or advice please call our Helpline on 020 8964 1166 or email

Frequently asked questions

Below is a selection of common questions we are asked by callers on our Helpline.
What is Scheuermann's Kyphosis?

Scheuermann’s kyphosis is a condition in which the front sections of the vertebrae (small bones that make up the spine) grow more slowly than the back sections during childhood. This difference in growth means the vertebrae grow into the shape of a wedge, when they should grow into the shape of a rectangle. These wedge-shaped bones don’t stack up in a straight line. As a result the spine develops a sharp forward angle as it grows. The forward bend of the spine is called kyphosis

The curve usually happens during a time when the bones are growing very quickly. Often this is between the ages of 10 and 15 years but for some patients it develops when they are adults.

The cause of Scheuermann’s disease is not known, although research shows that several factors are probably responsible.

If your child is diagnosed with Scheuermann’s kyphosis they should see a spinal specialist. There are around 30 scoliosis centres across the UK and you can find your nearest specialist by calling or emailing SAUK. You will need to take the names of the specialists to your GP, who will organise a referral. You will then receive a letter in the post with your appointment date and time.

The curve caused by kyphosis often stays mild. Usually patients will only needs X-rays to check that it is not getting bigger. For bigger curves bracing or physiotherapy may be recommended. Surgery may be an option if the kyphosis continues to progress (get bigger) to more than 70 degrees causing severe pain or there is a risk of neurological issues or if the curve is very noticeable. However, surgery will only be suggested only if other treatments such as bracing and physiotherapy have not worked after 6 months.

Patients with Scheuermann’s disease often have poor posture and back pain at first. Back pain is most common during the early teenage years and will usually decrease as the patient approaches adulthood. The pain is rarely severe enough to affect daily activity or working life.

Pain management is a difficult subject because everyone has different experiences. What works for one person does not always work for the next.

If possible, most people should do light exercise. Swimming, yoga, and Pilates can help with pain as they build the core (stomach and back) muscles, which is good for back health in general.

Over the-counter painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen can help some people. If these drugs don’t work for you, then talk to your GP, who can refer you to a pain management clinic in your area. Pain management clinics are able to look at a wider range of treatments these can include medication and pain management courses and programmes that teach techniques to manage long-term pain.

Many of our members have happy, healthy families. It is always sensible to discuss the management of labour in advance with the medical staff who will take care of you during birth. Your kyphosis may affect the position you take during labour and delivery.

It is quite normal to feel confused about what course of treatment to choose for you or your child. There is a lot of information to take in and some of the questions about scoliosis have no clear answer. It is absolutely fine to ask your specialist further questions, or ask for a second opinion.

If you need names of other centres or specialists then you can get this information from us by calling or emailing the SAUK Helpline. You may also find that it helps to talk through the specialist’s advice with someone. The friendly SAUK team is always happy to offer advice, support, and a listening ear. You can ask us as many questions as you like and we will try to help. It sometimes helps to speak to people who have been in a similar position. If you would like to speak to people affected by scoliosis, the SAUK membership scheme can help you to do so.

It is your right to ask for a second opinion from another specialist at the same or a different hospital.

Also every hospital has a patient advice and liaison service (PALS). If you are unhappy with the way that you have been treated or have any other worry or concern about your care, you can seek advice from the PALS service linked to your hospital, which will be happy to help.

For patients in Scotland you can contact the Patient Advice and Support Service

Patients in Northern Ireland can contact


Whether you want general guidance or advice or just to talk things through; our team are here to help.

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We fund three types of research grants for work in scoliosis and other spinal conditions.

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